Stampless Covers - Georgia

Item# 18203

Price: $90

Letter, page 1
Letter, page 2

// MAR / 3 [1862] cds with matching PAID / 5 (CSA catalog type B, CCV $200) on cover to W. J. Campbell, Atlanta, Ga., large sealed tear from bottom to center of cover, beautifully scripted 2-page letter from father H.S. Campbell to his son saying, in part, that he is glad he has a certificate if only for two months and to be sure to present it to the proper officer. $90.

William J. Campbell, mustered into Company A, Georgia 21 Infantry (Capt. Glover’s Company, Campbell Guards) as a private June 6,1861. He was noted on records of General Hospital Camp Winder, Richmond, Va., with debilitas, which is possibly what his father was talking about. Captured at New Market/Harrisonburg, Va. September 25, 1864, by Sheridan’s Forces, sent to Point Lookout, Md., on October 1, 1864, and exchanged March 17, 1865.


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