Items for Sale - Independent State & CSA Use of US Postage - Section Two

Item# 18384

Price: $350

U.S. 26, 3¢ dull red, uncanceled on fresh cover with manuscript at top, “Mr. [Ellison] Capers 26th May 1861” and “1 Basket by Express.” Addressed to “Louis Manigault, Gibbs St. No. 5, Charleston, So. Carolina” with manuscript directive at lower left, “Adams Express.”  $350.

Ellison Capers (1837-1908) was a Confederate general, a theologian, a college professor and an administrator from South Carolina. Capers was born in Charleston, SC, and graduated from the SC Military Academy (now the Citadel). He studied law for a time and was served as a professor of mathematics and rhetoric at his alma mater, as well as at Mt. Zion College in Winnsboro, SC. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Capers joined the Confederate Army with the rank of major. He was present at the bombardment of Fort Sumter then saw action at James Island and the Battle of Secessionville; he next served on coastal defense duties until 1863, having been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the 24th South Carolina. In May 1863, the regiment joined the army of General Joseph E. Johnston for the Vicksburg Campaign, where Capers was wounded in the leg at Jackson, Mississippi but promoted to Colonel. He returned to field service in time for the Chickamauga Campaign with the Army of Tennessee and fought in the disastrous Battle of Franklin, where he was severely wounded. After the campaign, he commanded a brigade, replacing States Rights Gist, who had been killed in action. Capers was promoted to Brigadier General on March 1, 1865, shortly before the end of hostilities. Post-war, he served as an Episcopal priest and bishop in South Carolina. Much more information is available online.

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