Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section One

Item# 10240

Price: $200

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Confederate Texas document, dated San Antonio, February 1, 1865, approximately 8” x 19” written on blue paper, includes text on both sides of paper. Front message written twice on both ends of page: Headquarters Con. Sert. 1st Con. Dict. Texas S. Antonio Feb 1st / 1865 Capt. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication of January 19th with three hundred and thirty (330) copies of form No. 1, twenty five (25) copies of form No 2 and three hundred (300) copies of form No.-“ This exact statement is repeated at bottom of page. Additional pencil notes regarding supplies paid for and reference to ratio of Confederate money to specie. Reverse is headed index and on the left from top to bottom a listing of categories including Aliens, Conscript Appeals, Detailed Men, Enrollments, Reserve Corps and the like. On the right side appear to be the names of various men and dates and military unit references. Entire page is interlined with additional notes in brownish ink. At the very base is a nearly indistinguishable pencil notation that includes a reference to Cibolo. Overall condition is sound with folds, stains and edge wear. $200.

Misc-1 LL

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