Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section One

Item# 16999

Price: $300

Pages 1 & 4 of Letter
Pages 2 & 3 of letter

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Civil War dated sailor’s letter headed “Calcutta 20th Sept 1861” signed “Your Afft (affectionate) Father, D. Jamsin.” Letter measures 10 ½” x 8 ½” then folded in half to make 4-page letter to Etta. He speaks of accounts of Bull Run (Manassas) in which he states, “the later accts from the U. States seem to contradict the horrible massacres at Bull Run, they have got the whole number of killed down to 150 which is certainly a very small number, compared to the hosts engaged, say from 100 to 150 thousand men the accts all go to prove that the Federal Army proved recreant & cowardly, a fact which spread a gloom over every true American, and is a disgrace to the North.” Today, First Bull Run casualties for the North are estimated at about 3,000 and for the South at about 1,750. The letter continues and is fascinating throughout. He makes mention that war news,  “has a sad effect on trade, particularly on Am. ships as the officer will not take a risk at any rate, particularly to China. Consequently, I am hung up for I don’t know how long…I hope the Yankees will pluck up the courage and not let those Southerners overrun the Country…You know my fate when I come home; consequently, my only way is to keep away as long as possible. Were I there now, I suppose they would think me too old for either the Army or Navy—or Merchant service—at any rate I could get employment South in privateering and I dare say the Boston merchants would drive me to that extremity.” Jamsin may have been an employee of the Indian Rubber Company or working on a ship delivering goods for them. He makes (self?) mention of “Quarter Master Jamsin.” And he says, I am far more comfortable on board than ashore. Thin writing paper with expected wrinkling and minor edge damage. It could be that he is serving on the vessel Calcutta or that he is aboard another vessel in Calcutta, India. One of the most interesting letters I’ve read in a long time. $300. 

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