Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section One

Item# 18308

Price: $1,100



Circular, verso

BROWNSVILLE / TEX // JAN / 20 [1865] rimless cds on CROSS-BORDER folded letter to Jno. Twohigg, Esqr., San Antonio, Texas, from Richard Nugent, headed “Matamoros, January 16, 1865” saying “Your reference is asked to the accompanying circular and doubt not you will be pleased to hear I am well satisfied which tho’ not making me a partner (which I did not desire) will I think afford me sufficient means to support my family comfortably, and educate my children but not in Yankee land.” Some internal tear and faults not affecting content. ORIGINAL PRINTED CIRCULAR headed “Matamoros, January 10, 1865.” from “Hanson & Co., Corner Matamoros and Montezuma Sts.” explaining that they have “made arrangements for receiving and shipping or selling Cotton, as well as filling all orders for general merchandise and Plantation supplies. Mr. Richard Nugent, formerly of New Orleans, has charge of the Cotton department.” On the back of the circular is written a letter highly recommending J. W. Hanson, who is well known and respected in Maryland. Nice TRANS-RIO GRANDE USE carried from Mexico. $1,100.

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