Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section One

Item# 19195

Price: $300

CONFEDERATE SOLDIER’S LETTER headed March 4th/62 to William Nance, whom he addresses as cousin. Full typed transcription included which interprets the signature as “Your Devoted cousin Nile.” From his handwriting, I interpret that as “Nite” as in “Goodnight,” not Nile. EXCELLENT content with “inventive” spelling in which he describes being whipped at Fort Donilson (sic). “Nashville was surrendered and we have been in a stir ever since. There is about sixty thousand Yankies in Nashville and still comeing every day…it is very doubtful wheather you get this or not…all communication is stopped. Our army has retreated and burnt all of the bridges, both railroad and pike…what few men we have left with us are unarmed.” Pencil note at end “2 Reg. Tenn Volunteers, Care of Capt. J. F. Tysee” which seems to be how he wants mail directed, but I did not find such a person. Needs more research. Very nice military letter in bold pen. See pages 2 & 3 by clicking here. $300.

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