Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section Two

Item# 11942

Price: $400

Georgia manuscript cancel on cover to Lt. James D. Anthony, Co. L, 1st Regt. Ga Regulars, Chattahoochee Arsenal Florida. Stamp missing at upper right. The arsenal part of the address was penned out and replaced with “Per W A McDonald, Courier, Savannah, Ga”  all in manuscript. Small contemporary clipped out embossed circular SEAL OF THE INTERIOR COURT accompanies, undoubtedly from original enclosure no longer present. Very unusual piece with significant amount of additional information included. The subject of one of my "Confederate Post" columns in the American Stamp Dealer and Collector. $400.

Chattahoochee Arsenal was the scene of the first military action of the Civil War in Florida. On January 6, 1861, acting under orders from Governor Madison Perry, the Quincy Young Guards seized the facility from its caretaker force without firing a shot. The arsenal then served the state and the Confederacy for the next four years.

James Rembert Anthony enlisted as a private in Company A, 9th Regiment, Georgia Infantry Jun. 11, 1861.  He was elected 2nd Lieutenant Company I, 1st Regiment, Georgia Regulars, Sept. 5, 1861; 1st Lieutenant Oct. 3, 1862. Wounded Petersburg, Virginia 1864. Elected Captain Company C, Mar. 28, 1865. Born in Washington, GA September 2, 1841. Found on the roster ofCompany L, 1st Regiment Georgia Regulars, Fulton County "Atlanta Greys" or "Fulton Greys". This regiment was stationed at Apalachicola Arsenal, Florida from April 9, 1863 to November 10, 1863.

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