Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section Two

Item# 12294

Price: $240

Texas Brigade, hand-carried by military courier, cover linking two Texan Confederates. Addressed simply too “Col. Henry N. Potter.” Endorssed across the top “From C.B. Gardiner, Clerk in Adjt. Genls. Office, Texas Brigade.” Potter served in 6th Texas Infantry. Born in Conn., he moved to Galveston County in 1838, serving in the Republic of Texas Congress. A member of the Cavalry of the West, Gardiner had his horse shot out from under him in a fight around Las Rucias Ranch: “The brief but fierce battle ended in a complete rout of the Federals. The Union cavalry fought fiercely...believing that since they were Texas Unionists, the Confederates might execute them as traitors...”--The Yankee Invasion of Texas, Townsend, p. 102. Gardiner also served in the 15th Texas Light Artillery, Trans-Mississippi Dept. Extra historical military information accompanies. [TX]  $240.

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