Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section Two

Item# 13635

Price: $475

Letter from Union soldier, signedF(rancis?) Patton, Oakland, Spencer County [Indiana], Jan. 5, 1862, 4 pp., 4 ½”  x 7 ¾” to his son G. L. Patton. “...I have been out in Warrie and Dubois...and at Camp Shanklin...Calhoon on Green River...45 [miles[ from Bo[w]lingreen. There are about 7,000 men in camp here, 1,100 of them cavalry & fine horses they have to[o] is Jackson’s Cavalry...They had a skirmish...It is reported Jackson killed 60 of the secesh and he lost 8 killed & 25 missing supposed to be taken prisoners. It is said they burnt the Town. Also that a boy 14 years old was ordered to surrender himself prisoner by a Secesh Captain. Boy shot him with his revolver and mounted the Captain’s horse & rode him safe into Camp. I had determined to stay here and see the Bolingreen Battle go off but Maj. Shanklin told me he had reported his Regt. not fit for duty for 2 months...If you was called to do your duty as a soldier, stand to your Post at all hazards, obey your superior officers with alacrity and show mercy to them that mercy is due...That single instance of the deserter that Ben... saw shot is enough to warn every man of his fate and duty...You should be careful about the small pox...You had better get vaccinated at once....”  Includes names soldiers who have died. With typewritten transcript. Minor tears at folds repaired with document film.  [IN] $475.

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