Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section Two

Item# 15536

Price: $200

Letter - page 2 - click to view    
Letter - page 3 - click to view 

Letter - page 4 - click to view

LETTER (no cover) 4-pages headed “McKinley [Tennessee] Dec 29th/1861” addressed to “Dear Cousin” from Sue saying that “Dr. Anderson has returned home and was highly pleased with Arkansas. If the blockade is opened between now and next fall, I expect we will move there and would like to have you and your better half to move also nearby us where we can see each other often…William sais (sic) tell cousin Hoskins that Arkansas is a fine country for other things as well as cotton, corn, wheat & potatoes grow there to a perfection…It seems that hog meat is about as cheap there as in Tennessee…There are no Union men in that neighborhood and I don’t think in the county, all states right secessionists, no Brownlowes or bridg[e] burners; all seem to be united hand and heart in the great move for southern liberty and independence. William Joins. $200.

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