Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section Two

Item# 17245

Price: $450

Due 2” in pencil, addressed simply to “Genl J Simms” (General James P. Simms) on small folded letter (open for letter display) headed 29 June 1864. It reads, “Dear Genl, The party whom you may see has a written direction from C- saying that on application for the Negroes they will be provided or some such thing – let it be shown to You. [signed] Brown.” “Brown” was Georgia Governor Joseph Emerson Brown (signature matches known examples). Slight archival tape repairs on file splits and light soiling, durably inked. NICE USE TO / FROM KEY CONFEDERATE NOTABLES WITH SCARCE DROP RATE AND SLAVE CONTENT. $450.

General James Phillip Simms (1837-1887) was a lawyer in Covington, Georgia, before and after the war. He also served two non-consecutive terms in the Georgia legislature after the war. On October 21, 1861, Simms became a second lieutenant in the 6th Georgia Militia. By April of 1862, he was in the 42nd Georgia Infantry Regiment. He was promoted to captain in August of 1862 and on September 23 became major in the 53rd Georgia Infantry. When Colonel Leonard Doyal resigned on October 8, Simms was promoted to colonel and given command of the regiment. He was in command during the Battle of Fredericksburg in December 1862 and the Battle of Salem Church (part of the Chancellorsville Campaign) in May of 1863. At Gettysburg, he and his regiment fought on July 2nd around the Rose Hill and the Wheatfield. In the fall, Simms and his Georgians went west with Longstreet and the First Corps, fighting in the Chattanooga Campaign. Simms was wounded on November 29, 1863 in the Confederate attack on Fort Sanders at Knoxville. One account has Simms returning from his convalescence to command his regiment through the Overland Campaign in May of 1864, while another does not have him returning until September. By either source, he took command of his old brigade after Brigadier General Goode Bryan resigned on September 20 due to medical reasons and commanded it at the Battle of Cedar Creek on October 19. On December 8, 1864 Simms was promoted to brigadier general and given permanent command of his brigade. He would command the brigade throughout the remainder of the fighting around Petersburg. During the retreat of Lee’s army to Appomattox, Simms was captured with a large portion of the army on April 6, 1865, at the Battle of Sayler’s Creek. Unlike the rest of the army who surrendered at Appomattox and were paroled a few days later, Simms and many of the officers from Sayler’s Creek were imprisoned at Fort Warren in Massachusetts. Simms was paroled and released on July 24, 1865.

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