Items for Sale - Miscellaneous - Section Two

Item# 17628

Price: $1,000

CSA 12-AD, 10¢ blue horizontal strip of 4, folded and partially separated at center, uncanceled on TRANS-MISSISSIPPI cover carried by military courier addressed to Co. Ben Allston, Genl. E. K. Smith’s Staff, Trans Mississippi (department headquarters) in Shreveport, La, with pencil docketing at left “Sept 17/64”, part of top back flap removed. Listed in Krieger census as E90 as “two pairs.” $1,000.

Benjamin Allston (1833-1900) was an Episcopal clergyman and colonel, CS Army. He was born in Charleston, SC, the son of Robert Francis Withers and Adele (Petigru) Allston, His father was a graduate of West Point military academy in 1821, surveyor general of South Carolina and governor of that State, 1856-57; member of the lower house of South Carolina, 1828; and member of the senate in 1832. In January 1863, Col. Ben Allston was transferred to the Trans-Mississippi department as inspector general for General Kirby Smith and continued in this capacity, as well as chief of the secret service, until the surrender.


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