Items for Sale - Official, Semi-Official and State Imprints - Section 1

Item# 17825

Price: $350

CSA 7-R, 5¢ dark blue pair (small faults) tied RICHMOND / VA. cds on Confederate States of America, Executive Department, (Official Business.) (ED-03, CCV $750) imprinted envelope used privately to Genl. N. G. [SHANKS] Evans., Charleston, S.C., top back flap missing and small edge faults, Scarce imprint! Ex Antrim. $350.

Brigadier-General Nathan George (“Shanks”) Evans (1824-1868) was born in Marion County, S. C. He graduated Randolph-Macon college before he was eighteen, and at the United States Military Academy, which he entered by appointment of John C. Calhoun, in 1848. With a lieutenancy in the Second Dragoons, he was first on duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., whence he marched to the Rocky Mountains in 1849.  In 1850 to 1853 he served in New Mexico, and began a famous career as an Indian fighter, which was continued in Texas and Indian Territory after his promotion to captain in 1856, in various combats with the hostile Comanches. At the battle of Wachita Village, October 1, 1858, his command defeated a large body of the Comanches, and he killed two of their noted chieftains in a hand-to-hand fight.  For this he was voted a handsome sword by the legislature of South Carolina. In 1860 he was married to a sister of Gen. M. W. Gary, of Abbeville county. He resigned from the army in February, 1861, being then stationed in Texas, and proceeded to Montgomery, where he was commissioned major of cavalry, CSA.  Being assigned to duty as adjutant-general of the South Carolina army, he was present at the bombardment of Fort Sumter and was soon afterward promoted colonel. Joining the army under General Beauregard at Manassas Junction, Va., he had a command on the field during the first encounter at Blackburn's Ford, and again July 21, 1861. As remarked by a Northern historian: "Evans' action was probably one of the best pieces of soldiership on either side during the campaign, but it seems to have received no special commendation from his superiors." (his conduct at the First Battle of Manassas). General Beauregard commended his "dauntless conduct and imperturbable coolness," but it was not until after the fight at Leesburg that he was promoted.  This latter engagement, known also as Ball's Bluff, was fought in October, near the Potomac River, by his brigade, mainly Mississippians, and a splendid victory was gained over largely superior numbers, with great loss to the enemy. His promotion to brigadier-general was made to date from this memorable affair, and South Carolina again, through her general assembly, gave him a vote of thanks and presented him with a gold medal.  In 1862, he commanded a brigade consisting of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-second and Twenty-third regiments, and Holcombe's legion, South Carolina troops, and was mentioned by General Longstreet among the officers most prominently distinguished in the battles of Second Manassas and Sharpsburg.  In the latter fight he commanded his division. Thereafter, his service was mainly rendered in South Carolina.  In 1863, he moved to the support of Johnston against Grant.  After the fall of Richmond, he accompanied President Davis as far as Cokesbury, SC. A year later he engaged in business at Charleston, but was mainly occupied as a teacher at Midway, Ala., until his death at that place, November 30, 1868. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee has written of him: "'Shanks' Evans, as he was called, was a graduate of the military academy, a native South Carolinian, served in the celebrated old Second Dragoons, and was a good type of the rip-roaring, scorn all-care element, which so largely abounded in that regiment.  Evans had the honor of opening the fight (First Manassas), we might say fired the first gun of the war." Source:  Confederate Military History, vol. VI, p. 392.

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