Items for Sale - Postmasters' Provisionals on Cover, Section Two

Item# 15390

Price: $2,300

Nashville, Tenn. 5¢ violet brown (61X5) horizontal pair tied by usual blue town postmark with matching PAID straightline on cover to Honl Bedford Brown, Locust Hill, Caswell County, NC; cover with expert repairs, Ex Seybold and Powell. SCV $6,000. $2,300.

Honorable Bedford Brown (1795-1870) was a US Congressman. He served as a member of the North Carolina legislature from 1815 to 1817, and again in 1823, and 1828 to 1829. He was elected as a Senator from North Carolina to the US Senate in 1829, and served until 1840. He returned to the state legislature in 1858, serving until 1860 and counseled in favor of North Carolina remaining in the Union. However, when President Lincoln request troops from NC to serve in the Union Army, Brown, along with most of his colleagues, supported secession. In 1868 Brown, a Democrat was again elected to the North Carolina Senate. However, the Reconstruction Republicans controlled the North Carolina Legislature and refused to seat Brown.

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