Items for Sale - Prisoner of War & Civilian Flag of Truce - Section One

Item# 18249

Price: $220

Letter, page 1

JOHNSON’S ISLAND, SANDUSKY, OHIO: US 65, 3¢ rose tied SANDUSKY / O // JUN / ? / ’64 duplex on cover to Miss Lucie A. Smith, No. 88, Second Street Corner of Chippewa, New Orleans, La., with manuscript censor “Ex R” which Harrison lists as used June 25-28, 1864. Interesting original prisoner’s letter with heading and signature clipped off. He hastens to assure Miss Lucie that he is still “a denizen of this ice-girt isle” and how different is this winter than the last when “Negro Minstrels, Theatricals & Co. were popular amusements” and “If it were not for the various rumors of exchange which are in constant circulations and the disciplines they give rise to, I’m sure most of us would die of inanition.” (defined as exhaustion resulting from lack of food, mental, social, or spiritual weakness or lassitude) Sealed tears at top right of cover. $220.

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