Items for Sale - Prisoner of War & Civilian Flag of Truce - Section One

Item# 19627

Price: $3,000

CIVILIAN FLAG-OF-TRUCE: inner cover from Goldsborough, N.C., to Greenville, S.C., with ORIGINAL 3-page LETTER OF HISTORIC CALIFORNIA CONTENT, datelined "San Francisco April 18th 1862," sent to Nathan H. Davis, Esq., Greenville, South Carolina in the care of U.S. military governor of North Carolina, Edward Stanly, who hand-carried it to Union-controlled New Bern. The 3-page letter (PAGE 1, PAGES 2-3) on neat, lined notepaper, states "I avail myself of the kindness of your old friend Edward Stanly, recently appointed Military Governor of North Carolina." The letter goes on to describe “a most disastrous winter…the Sacramento Valley has been deluged to an extent never before dreamed of possible. The loss of property is incalculable. Farms and gardens and orchards destroyed, houses, fences, etc. etc. almost entirely swept away. (Sacramento’s) prospects as the future Capital of the State greatly damaged.” Manuscript "Examined Asst. Adjt. General" examiner's marking, entered Confederate mails with GOLDSBOROUGH / N.C. // JUN / 2 (1862) CDS with matching PAID, Very Fine, A RARE FLAG-OF-TRUCE LETTER ORIGINATING IN CALIFORNIA AND SENT THROUGH NEW BERN AND GOLDSBOROUGH N.C.  Civilian mail is very scarce sent by exchange points other than those in southeastern Virginia; illustrated in Special Routes book (p. 94), ex Walske. $3,000.

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