Items for Sale - Prisoner of War & Civilian Flag of Truce - Section Two

Item# 20156

Price: $550

SMUGGLED LETTER from CAMP HOFFMAN, POINT LOOKOUT, MD: from Sgt. Hugh Davis Smith, a prisoner of war at Point Lookout, datelined "Prisoners Camp, Point Lookout, Maryland, Dec 21st 1863", to "My Loving Mother, Kind Brother & Fond Sisters."Three clues lead to the conclusion that the letter was smuggled: 1.) the letter is written on both sides of the sheet - against regulations; 2.) Smith signed only his initials: "H" on the main letter and "HDS" on a postscript - another violation; and 3.) in the letter he wrote, "An opportunity has offered itself by some of my fellow prisoners…who leave on tomorrow for the South"…"This will have to go in the black." He is more literate and well-written than the average soldier; typed transcription accompanies and letter mounted on exhibit page. (see letter page 2VERY RARE.  $550. LL

Listed in both Miscellaneous-2 and POW-1

Hugh Davis Smith enlisted as a corporal March 14, 1862, and was mustered into Virginia Crenshaw Light Artillery. He was promote to sergeant November 15, 1862, and taken prisoner June 28, 1863, at Fountaindale, Va., exchanged February 1, 1865, and AWOL 2-15-65. He told the Oath of Allegiance April 13, 1865. He was living in R.E. Lee’s Soldiers Home in Richmond in 1900.

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