Items for Sale - Prisoner of War & Civilian Flag of Truce - Section Three

Item# 18396

Price: $650

Back of cover

ELMIRA, NEW YORK: CSA 12, 10¢ blue (four margins) tied by red PETERSBURG / VA. cds and sent to Mr. John McL Harrington, Harrington, N.C. The COVER WAS REUSED and addressed on the reverse to "Prisoner's Camp, Elmira, NY, Ward No. 43, Care of Maj. Colt," (prisoner name unidentified but could be with due diligence),  postmarked HARRINGTON / N.C. // JAN / 3 [1865], docketed on obverse side, "Answered Sept 28, '64", some overall soiling, Very Fine. This cover most likely was sent under separate cover from there to Richmond, Va. by Flag of Truce via Old Point Comfort, VA. Both CSA & US postage was paid by the N.C. postmaster, John Harrington, who neglected to note the payment on the cover, signed Dietz twice at bottom front and back. $650.

Major Henry V. Colt of the 104th NY Volunteers served as the direct camp commander under Col. Seth Eastman and Col. Benjamin Tracy. His brother was the famous Samuel Colt, inventor of the revolving breech pistol. Elmira Prison camp operated by the United States government during the War between the States was in use from 6 July 1864, until 11 July 1865, and was dubbed "Hellmira" by its inmates. During those 12 months, 2,970 of the 12,100 prisoners would die from a combination of malnutrition, continued exposure to harsh winter weather, and disease from the poor sanitary conditions on Foster's Pond combined with a lack of medical care.

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