Items for Sale - Railroad Covers

Item# 20035

Price: $800

CSA 11a, 10¢ milky blue, (4 large even margins) pen canceled with beautifully struck VA.C.R.R. / COBHAM // JUN / 6 railroad CDS (CCV $750) on cover to Lt. Colonel Alfred L. Rives, Engineer Bureau, War DepartmentRichmond. Ex Frank Hart. A beautiful example of this RR marking. $800. 

Alfred Landon Rives was born in 1830 in Paris, France, the son of William Cabell Rives, the distinguished minister to France. During the War, he was acting chief engineer for the State of Virginia and later for the Confederate States, which position he held until the end of the War as a Colonel. He was one of the two Chiefs of the Corps of Engineers to General Robert E. Lee.  

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