Stampless Covers - South Carolina - Section Two

Item# 16335

Price: $350

Adams Run SC / March 6 [1862] / Paid 5” all in manuscript (CCV $125) on cover to A. B. Springs, Fort Mill, SC, with an interesting letter enclosed from Sergeant A. M. Kee letting Springs know how much property to pay tax on for him, “It is as follow viz 4 negroes and 364 Acres of Land and I have about $300 of notes on interests. The above is what I have in York District. I have 56 Acres of Land in Lancaster…we are getting along finely down here in the swamps…more oysters than you could shake a stick at…I aint a good Horse Master but my horse looks as well as any of them and I have not time to take the right kind of care of him, for our Capt. has appointed me Orderly Seargeant (Pro Tem) and it seems to me like I have a big share to do…some sickness in our Company...measles…we are expecting a fight soon with the Enemy.” and so forth. A. M. Kee enlisted as 6-1-62 as a 1st Sergeant in Company H, SC 1st Cavalry. Some pieces of letter edge missing. Plantation Collection. $350.

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