Stampless Covers - South Carolina - Section Two

Item# 4120

Price: $160

CHARLESTON / S.C . / NOV / 14 / 1863 cds with matching large soldier's (due) 10, docketing of "(Corpl) TWG Inglet Co C 28th Ga. Regt." on turned cover; inside a #11 tied Berzelia, Geo. cds has been torn off - addressed to Inglet in Charleston Cear (sic) Capt Crawford 28 Regt Ga Vol., fresh, double pencil slash of unknown derivation, T. W. G. Inglett of Comp C 28th Ga Inf survived the war. He enlisted 9/10/1861 as a private and was promoted Corpl on 8/1/1863. He was wounded twice -- 6/27/1862 at Cold Harbor, Va where he lost 2 fingers of his left hand and again on 10/7/1864 at Darbytown Road, Va in the right foot.) Very Fine, signed Brian Green. [SC] [GA]

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