Stampless Covers - South Carolina - Section Two

Item# 8318

Price: $150

CHARLESTON / S.C. / JUN / 25 cds with ms pencil “Due” an bold large “10” on cover to Capt. D. H. Hamilton, Columbia, So. Ca. from another soldier endorsed “Soldiers Letter JMH MA” (Marian Artillery). $150.

Daniel Hayward Hamilton, Sr. commanded the First South Carolina and had two sons in service with him - D. H. Hamilton, Jr. and James Hamilton. James Hamilton, was a cadet at West Point in 1860-61, but resigned and enlisted in the South Carolina troops; was present at the reduction of Fort Sumter, and afterward served on the staff of Gen. Richard Taylor and John B. Hood, until near the close of the war, when he became chief of artillery of Gen. Joseph Wheeler's corps. D.H. Hamilton’s father was also named James Hamilton and was governor of South Carolina during the administration of President Andrew Jackson.

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