Sternes Correspondence

Item# 11092

Price: $SOLD

Letter, page 1
Letter, page 2
Letter, page 3
Letter, page 4

3¢ red star-die entire (U27) entire tied grid and EUFAULA / Ala. // MAR / 11 [1861] cds, to Arba Sternes, Columbia, SC, UNLISTED Confederate Use of U.S. Postage, part back flap missing. Enclosed is 4-page letter dated the same day saying how sorry she is to hear of the unfortunate death of Mrs. Treadwell (a burn victim, per prior letter). “The Northern or Columbus mail goes out every night …and next day leave Columbus for Macon while your letters lie over in Cuthbert until the regular time for the Driver to come plodding along with his Team which consumes the better part of a day when they could be brought by Steam in an hour or two…20 or 30 lades of this place left here last Friday for Pensacola to get to Columbus, a distance of 50 miles and to avoid 20 miles staying they took the train to Macon which would require them to travel 240 miles to get to Columbus. Their husbands had sent dispatches for them to come. I do hope and trust there will not be any fighting…I don’t think Mr. Lincoln has sufficient courage apart from Genl. (Winfield) Scott, but I do not pretend to be a judge of the matter.” She is thinking of taking a trip to Apalachicola. The Siege of Pensacola last from January 8–November 23, 1861. Learning that the Union Army had taken New Orleans, Confederate forces abandoned Pensacola in May 1862. $300.

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