Sternes Correspondence

Item# 11096

Price: $SOLD

Letter, page 1

3¢ red Nesbitt entire (U11) tied grid with EUFAULA / Ala. // DEC / 14 [1860] cds, to Arba Sternes, Columbia, SC, 1” sealed tear at left edge, most of top back flap missing, 8-page letter from Julia Lowman. She says, in part, “…a few moments after you took leave of us at the Depot I raised my head to look at George, and to my surprise his face was suffused with tears, and he almost sobbed audibly. I said, what is the matter, do you hate so much to part with Mr. Sternes? He answered, yes Ma, don’t you? …I have acknowledged more to you or in other words expressed sentiments toward you that I never in all my life did to any gentleman, not one, except, no, not even the fine looking dashing young man that struck my youthful fancy, won my hand, and led me to the altar, and who might have secured the affection of as warm a heart as once pulsated in human breast had he not proved so unworthy.” Written one week before South Carolina seceded from the Union. $30.

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