Sternes Correspondence

Item# 11100

Price: $SOLD

Letter, page 1
Letter, page 2

EUFAULA / Ala. // JUN / 2 [1861] cds with matching PAID / 5 (CSA Catalog type D) on stampless cover to Arba Sternes, Columbia, SC. Julia writes to Arba from Eufaula on Friday, May 31, 1861, (the last day under USPOD) but does not post the letter until Sunday, June 2 (newly changed to CSAPOD control), a 4-page letter. Had the envelope been posted on Saturday, it would have borne a highly desirable June 1 [1861] postmark, making it a First Day Cover, but it still is desirable as IT STRADDLES THE CHANGE OF POSTAL ADMINISTRATIONS. Julia’s letter extols the virtues of Eufaula and clearly, Arba has earlier praised the virtues of Columbia, where he and his family live (six children). It is the age-old struggle between those separated by distance and the angst of leaving one or the other’s family and friends. $250.

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