Sternes Correspondence

Item# 11101

Price: $SOLD

Letter, page 1
Letter, page 2

Fort Motte SC / Dec 12 [1847] / [due] 10]” all in manuscript on thick two-page folded letter to B.F. Treadwell, Eufaula P. Office, Barbour Co., Ala.” headed “St. Mathews, S.C., Dec. 10th, 1847.” It opens “Dear Brother,” signed John P. Margart to Julia’s brother, Benjamin F. Treadwell, a Lutheran pastor. Margart mentions the purchase of a Negro woman and two children for $950 and asks that to be remembered to Mrs. T[readwell] and Julia and her husband, thus Julia was clearly married to Mr. Lowman at a young age, as she would only have been 17-years old in 1847. Also included with the cover is an 1858 receipt for clothing, including military garb, addressed to Capt. B. F. Treadwell. $150.

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