Sternes Correspondence

Item# 11221a

Price: $SOLD

Letter A, pages 1 and 4

Letter B, pages 1 and 4

Letter B, pages 2 and 3

Letter C, pages 1 and 4

Letter C, pages 2 and 3

Three Confederate letters (no covers), all dated at Eufaula, Ala. to George Treadwell (son of Julia Sternes, step-son of Arba Sternes. (1) Small 4-page letter dated Augst 17/64 from Arba to “Dear Son” mentioned missing package of bacon sent by Express, all the Negroes at the Plantation are well, exhorting him to attend to all duties assigned him, etc. (2) Small 4-page letter dated [presumably August] 15th 1864 from Julia to her son and (3) another small 4-page letter dated October 3, 1864. She mentions using the Black Warrior (vessel) to go to Tuscaloosa and other friends of George’s who are bound to join him soon, how does he like his teachers and officers, etc. $60.

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