Stampless Covers - Texas

Item# 14331

Price: $650

SAN ANTONIO TEX // SEP / 21 cds and bold PAID 10 in arc, CSA Catalog type E with CCV $500, on fresh blue linen-lined “money” envelope addressed to "Maj. S.G. Newton, 3rd Regt. Tex. Vol. Inftry., ‘Genl. Taylor's Command’, ‘Genl. Waterhouse's Brigade’, via Alexandria La.", Very Fine; the recipient would later become mayor of San Antonio.  $650.

Samuel Galitzen Newton (1823-1874), was a San Antonio lawyer before the Civil War. He entered Confederate service as a captain of the Bexar County Guards, Co. H. 3rd Texas Infantry, and held the rank of Lt. Col. at war’s end. After the war he served briefly as mayor of San Antonio. Married to Mary Elizabeth Tompkins (1834-1878), the Newtons had eight children. Information from

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