Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section One

Item# 12226

Price: $150

RICHMOND / Va. // SEP / 26 / 1861 cds with matching PAID 5Cts. (CSA Catalog type F), on small cover (4 ¾” x 2 ¾”) to Genl. Joseph R. Anderson C.S. Army, Wilmington, North Carolina with Chg box 258 at upper left. Ex Brian Green who collected mail to/from Generals. $150.

Joseph Reid Anderson (1813-1892) was a graduate of West Point, an engineer, and president of Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, the largest and most significant iron works of its time. It was the Confederacy's major (and for much of the war only) source of cannons and munitions, employing some 900 workers, most of whom were slaves. His plant was confiscated by the Union army at the end of the war, but returned to him in 1867 where he remained president until his death. He was seriously wounded at Frayser’s Farm and resigned July 19, 1862. It was widely reported that 30,000 citizens came to his funeral when he was buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.

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