Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section One

Item# 19775

Price: $110

CULPEPER C.H. / Va. // AUG / ? / 1861 lightly struck CDS with matching PAID 5 (CC type B, CCV $200) on cover to Mrs Wm S. Parran or Mr. Chas F. Graves, Somerset Orange Co. Vira., slightly reduced at top, Ex Matz. $110. 

William Sellman Parran (1834-1862) attended Virginia Military Institute (VMI) but did not graduate because he accepted an appointment to West Point, from which he also did not graduate. He received his M.D. degree 04/07/1857 from Winchester Medical College, Winchester, Va. He enlisted April 17, 1861, at Barboursville, Va., as captain of the Barboursivlle Guards, a company raised by him. It became Company F, Virginia 13th Infantry He was ill with jaundice from December 1861, and resigned his commission - dropped from the muster roll of the 13th Infantry April 26, 1862. He recovered sufficiently to become Acting Asst. Surgeon [as a contract physician] who signed a contract to provide medical services to the artillery of Gen. R. S. Ewell's Division, Orange Co, VA. In reality, he served as the medical officer of Major A. R. Courtney's Artillery Battalion, Gen. J. A. Early's Division from 08/16/1862 until he was killed. On 09/17/1862, he was killed in action while assisting at the gun of one of the Confederate batteries at Sharpsburg, Washington Co., MD (Battle of Antietam). He married Virginia (Jennie) Graves (1837-1928) in 1860, who was pregnant with their son at the time of his death. Their daughter, Emma, was born in 1861. Some of their correspondence is at the College of William & Mary.

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