Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section Three

Item# 10456

Price: $250

FRANKLIN DEPOT / Va. // APR / 1 blue cds with matching curved DUE 10 handstamp on cover to Miss Rebecca C. Easterling, Manning South Carolina with endorsement of E. C. Easterling, Co. (A) Hamptons Legion, Ex Oswald.  $250.

EasterlingEdward C.  PVT 1861 65; student Wofford College 1855 56; then student at University of North Carolina in Class of 1861 from 1858 until left school with classmates before graduation to enlist; Board of Trustees in 1910 awarded degrees to all members of the Class who so withdrew; so he is carried on the rolls of UNC Chapel Hill as a graduate Class of 1861; in River and Harbor Service postwar; b. Georgetown 1836; d. unknown date; buried in  Clayton, Barbour County, Alabama.

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