Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section Three

Item# 10785

Price: $220

PETERSBURG / Va. // JUN / 17  blue cds with matching [due] 10 on adversity cover to Mrs. J. Adger Smyth, Wright’s Bluff, Clarendon Dist, So Ca from her soldier husband, on adversity cover fashioned from printed form. First time in philatelic hands.  $220.

JAMES ADGER SMYTHE (1837-1920) was a QuarterMaster Sergeant in Company A, 25th South Carolina Infantry Regiment April 1862- 1865. He was a factor / merchant with Adger and Smyth and planted cotton at his wife's Cedar Grove Plantation, Sumter District. Smythe (aka Smyth) was a Charleston Alderman1877-1885 and mayor of Charleston 1895-1903.

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