Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section Three

Item# 10909

Price: $130

[Army of Northern Virginia] DUE [10] on cover addressed to “ A. W.Walton, Sheriff Rowan County, Salisbury, N. C. with “O.B.” (Official Business) at upper left. The due marking is not sufficiently well struck (upside down) to identify exact type. Duplicate election returns on French embossed blue lined paper headed “Proceedings of an election held at the Camp of the 7th Regt. NC Troops near Brandy Stations, Va for Congressman of the County of Rowan NC…29th Oct 1863.” Eleven votes were cast, ten of which were for J. G. Ramsey and one for Wm. Lander. Attested to by judges Caleb Eller, C. P. Hughes and Jesse Reid as well as clerks A.M. Walker and W. H. Millstead. The unit was assigned to General Branch's, Law's, and Lane's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. After fighting at Hanover Court House , it participated in the various campaigns of the army from the Seven Day' Battles to Cold Harbor , then was involved in the Petersburg siege south and north of the James River. $130.

Lieut. Arthur M. Walker served in Co. K, NC 7th Infantry.

Private William H. Millstead served in Co. A, NC 7th Infantry.

Private Caleb Eller served in Co. F, NC 7th Infantry.

Private Christopher S. Hughes served in Co. F, NC 7th Infantry.

Private Jesse Reid served in Co. F, NC 7th Infantry.

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