Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section Three

Item# 11216

Price: $250

Paid” in manuscript, no postal markings, addressed on small ladies cover (small part of back flap missing) to “Dr. Richard M. Hewitt O.S. Capt J.B. Leftwiches Company, 42nd Regiment Va. Vols. Care of Col. J. D. Banks, Huntersville Pocahontas Co (West Virginia) Army of the North West. The troops assigned to operate in northwestern Virginia were placed under the command of Brigadier-General R. S. Garnett on June 8, 1861, and were subsequently known as the Army of the Northwest. This was the force that opposed McClellan and Rosecrans in West Virginia. Military bios for Asst. Surgeon Richard Newton Hewitt and Capt. Joel B. Leftwich included. A scarce West Virginia use. $250.

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