Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section Three

Item# 11413

Price: $400

UNIVERSITY OF Va.  large blue 31 mm cds, scarce cancel lightly struck with matching large encircled handstamped [due] 10 in circle – a very scarce marking, not listed, pencil docketing which may or may not be contemporary “Mahones or Weisiger’s Brig” which is correct; on soldier’s cover to Mrs. R. C. Mabry Care W. H. Read Esqr., Palmers Springs, Mecklenburg County, Va.; endorsed “From Private R. C. Mabry / Co. K. 6th Va. Regt.” (Army of Northern Virginia) Ex Thacker. $400.

Robert Cole Mabry enlisted as a private, was wounded at 2nd Manassas 8-30-62, later taken prisoner 3-28-65 at Burgess’ Mill, Va and ultimately exchanged well after the war 10-27-65. Military records included. Conflicting records indicate he “was captured 27 Oct 1864 at the Battle of Burgess Mill and was held until 28 March 1865 when he was exchanged.” Typical of CW record groups.

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