Stampless Covers - Virginia and West Virginia - Section Three

Item# 15589

Price: $200

ABBEVILLE C.H. / S.C. // AUG / 30 [1861] cds with matching PAID 5 (CSA Catalog Type A) on clean cover (missing top back flap and sealed edge tear) to Lt. W. F. McKewn, Care of Col. R. T. Jones, Comdg 12th Ala, Reg 2d Brigade, Fairfax Station, Virginia. Ex Kohn and Brandon. $200.

Robert Tignall Jones (1815-1862) enlisted as a colonel in the 12th Alabama Infantry Regiment which mustered 1,196 original recruits and 321 reinforcements during the War. Nearly 250 of these men died in battle and about 200 died of disease. Organized in Richmond under the command of Colonel Robert Tignall Jones. Moved to Manassas Junction and attached to Ewell’s Brigade, then was transferred to Rodes’. He was born in Mecklenburg County, Virginia and graduated from West Point in 1837. In 1861, he declined the rank of brigadier general and a seat on the military board of the State, tendered by Gov. Moore. Repairing to Fort Morgan, he was placed in command of a battalion of artillery, and at one time was in command of the fortress. In July he was appointed colonel of the 12th and the 20th Alabama regiments, and accepted the former. Col. Jones was a strict disciplinarian, yet, so great was the confidence of his men, that he was reelected colonel at the re-organization of the regiment in 1862. At Seven Pines (or Fair Oaks) he fell, towards the close of the day, while turning the guns of a captured battery on the enemy. The ball pierced his breast and his death was immediate.

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