Items for Sale - Wallpaper Covers

Item# 10366

Price: $1,200

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue  tied CHARLESTON / S.C. // APR/ 11 cds on lovely floral wallpaper in shades of lavender, green and white; addressed to Col. Joseph Glover, Walterboro, So. Ca.; top back flap missing; ex Wm. A. Fox  $1,200.

The Glovers were a  family of very large landowners and owned fabulous homes in Charleston, most of them still standing. There are also several Glover homes still standing in Walterboro, though the plantation houses are all gone. There are two outstanding Glover cemeteries on Cooks Hill Plantation and Fontainebleau Plantation, both next to each other 4 miles south of Walterboro.

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