Items for Sale - Wallpaper Covers

Item# 17096

Price: $1,000

CSA 12a, 10¢ milky blue left sheet margin single tied neat clear FAYETTEVILLE / N.C. // OCT / 6 / 1863 cds on showy geometric wallpaper in shades of blue, white, maroon and dark buff, addressed to James Evans, Starr’s Light [Artillery] Battery, Greenville, N. Carolina. Top back flap missing and bit edge wear. $1,000.

James Evans enlisted as a private and mustered into Co. B, NC 13th Battalion Light Artillery and was listed as Comm. Sergt. 5-1-65, the day he was paroled at Greensboro at war’s end. He also served in Co. B, NC 36th Infantry.

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